Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Roadkill Marketing Cafe' - How Marketing can turn both Profit and FUN!

Posted by Chris: "The Roadkill Marketers Cafe's Channeler of Alien "Supermarketer" Intelligence"

You never have seen a group of people like The Roadkill Marketers Cafe.

In order to see whats going on,.. You need to be a Skype user. The reason for this is that's where we hang out,.. in a public chat room we like to call "The Roadkill Marketers Cafe".


Then, once you have skype running on your computer,.. just click on the link below to join us in our "The Roadkill Marketers Cafe'" public chat room.

Join The Roadkill Marketers Cafe Now!

Why would you join us? Well,.. you might be interested in hanging out with people who are professionals who let loose and kick their feet up for a chewy HWY 66 Day Old Smashed Pork Sandwich!

Marketing online is supposed to be FUN! We Chaw the grits together and help eachother promote and develop ideas and systems and products and it's all for free. No admission charge!

If your looking for the experienced old hacks who have the game of makin a livin online down pat,.. you might want to come chaw on a legbone yerself! Careful,.. ye might lern sumthin :)

Marketing Blogging Making Videos Article Writing Affiliate Marketing How to Market Social Network Marketing


Jim Allen III said...

Hey Chris,

Roadkill Marketers Cafe is a great place hang out and meet some real interesting folks. We have have Queeans, Duchesses and even a Prince or two. Oh yeah we have you our Alien Channeling Marketer.

I look forward to ,ore posts here.

Jim Allen III

Jim Allen III said...

Hey Chris,

Roadkill Marketers Cafe is a great place hang out and meet some real interesting folks. We have have Queens, Duchesses and even a Prince or two. Oh yeah we have you our Alien Channeling Marketer.

I look forward to ,more posts here.

Jim Allen III